Starfield: Complete Guide | Story Walkthrough, Side Quests & Gear Guides

Getting Started in Starfield
Like most other modern video games, Starfield begins with a short tutorial section, during which, players will be introduced to some of the more basic game mechanics such as movement and armed combat. They’ll also get a chance to create their own character here, which not only means choosing what they’ll look like, but also their skills, traits, and background; all of which can have an impact on how exactly their playthrough will unfold.
Not every in-game mechanic is explained during this section though, with players left to figure a lot of things out for themselves. Many of these are fairly intuitive and should come naturally to most players, but for those who are new to the genre, getting started in Starfield may at first seem a little daunting. This section of the guide will help to ease players in, with how-to guides, beginner tips, and answers to some of the more frequently asked questions.
Frequently Asked Questions
Main Story Walkthrough
The main story of Starfield is broken up into 19 main story missions, each of which typically takes around one hour to complete. Chances are though, most players will constantly find themselves being dragged away from the main narrative, either by some seemingly random encounter that leads to a surprisingly expansive side quest or just an overwhelming desire to explore more of the game’s gigantic universe before delving too deeply into the main story.
Whenever they’re ready to do so though, this section of the guide should be a massive help, as in addition to a full Starfield walkthrough, players will be able to find shorter guides focusing on some of the bigger choices that they’ll be asked to make during a standard playthrough. How they respond in these situations can sometimes have serious and lasting consequences, so they’ll probably want to think very carefully before making their choice.
Full Mission Walkthroughs
Side Quests & Activities
Given that Starfield was developed by Bethesda, it should come as no surprise to learn that it is full to the brim with side quests. It’s here that players will probably spend most of their time, as the side quests are not just plentiful, but also incredibly well fleshed out. Many offer great rewards, but it’s the storytelling and worldbuilding that really help to set them apart from the ones found in lesser games.
Starfield‘s side quests can be triggered in all kinds of weird and wonderful ways, from overhearing part of a conversation while passing through a crowded area to receiving an SOS signal after grav jumping to a new star system. This section of the guide will provide walkthroughs for all of the best side quests in Starfield, covering everything from how to trigger them to the rewards that players can expect for turning them in.
Crimson Fleet Faction Quests
Freestar Collective Faction Quests
Ryujin Industries Faction Quests
UC Vanguard Faction Quests
Other Starfield Side Quests
Side Quest Puzzles & Choices
Gear, Items & Collectibles
The loot dropped by enemies in Starfield tends to be random, so players will constantly be finding better weapons and gear as they progress, particularly during the early stages of the game. However, there are some unique guns and spacesuits that are consistent across playthroughs, most of which are tied to the decisions that players make during certain side quests and main story missions.
This section of Game Rant’s Starfield guide will focus on these weapons, letting players know exactly what they need to do in order to get their hands on the best gear in the game. Doing so can make tracking down all of the Artifacts a whole lot easier, as the best weapons in Starfield are able to tear through enemies like a hot knife gliding through a stick of intergalactic butter.
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