
Best Skills For A Berserker Build



  • Assassin’s Creed Valhalla
    introduces a fully customizable combat experience, allowing players to create specific builds like the brutal Berserker Assassin build.

  • The Berserker build focuses on reckless abandon and drawing power from low health and adrenaline to decimate enemies in a Viking frenzy.
  • Key skills for the Berserker build include Berserker’s Mettle, Thrill of War, Heavy Dual-Wield, Fearless Leaper, Dual Swap, Wolf Warrior, Cold Rage, Intense Rage, Adrenaline Fiend, Unstoppable, Terror, Grit, and Battlefield Cremation.

The Assassin’s Creed franchise has always had a lot of fun combat options, but Assassin’s Creed Valhalla turns battle into a fully customizable experience. Players who favor stealth will find a lot of interesting options, and it’s a blast to go fully overpowered by purchasing every skill possible. But the best that Valhalla has to offer lies in how easy it is to put together specific builds, and none are quite as brutal or satisfying as the Berserker Assassin build.

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The Berserker build is not for the faint of heart: it’s designed for adrenaline in every sense. The goal of this build is to take on every kind of battle with reckless abandon, and going berserk relies on Eivor drawing power from low health and adrenaline and regenerating both with hits that land. Combined with dual-wielding and fire-related abilities and weapons, every Saxon will tremble in terror as Eivor decimates them in a Viking frenzy.

13 Berserker’s Mettle (Bear Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bear skills Berserker's Mettle and skill path

The Berserker’s Mettle skill isn’t just ideal for this build in name only. First strikes won’t deplete a partially filled adrenaline slot, which is useful if players want to build up more for Eivor’s active abilities early.

Gaining new adrenaline with this build won’t be a problem, depending on the player’s fluidity in combat. Berserker’s Mettle simply ensures players can start battles with Eivor’s most impressive moves, and it won’t cost them more adrenaline than what the move normally requires.

12 Thrill Of War (Raven Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Raven skills Thrill Of War and skill path

To ensure Eivor’s special abilities can be used to great effect, Thrill Of War is the perfect way for the Berserker Assassin to gain adrenaline. Being in conflict slowly fills up adrenaline slots with this skill.

This is not a fast-paced skill, but it’s incredibly handy for players who want to focus on their rampage rather than their battle finesse. For a Berserker build, it’s better to allow some hits to actually land on Eivor, so Thrill Of War is a good alternative to frequently blocking for regenerating adrenaline.

11 Heavy Dual-Wield (Bear Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bear skills Heavy Dual Wield and skill path

It’s only fitting that Eivor enters the berserker mindset with two oversized weapons that can wreak substantial carnage in both hands. Having a heavy weapon in the off-hand, such as Dane axes, great swords, or scythes, can double Eivor’s reach and damage by turning blocks into sweeping moves.

Defensive and offensive maneuvers are different depending on the weapon type and in which hand they’re equipped. Because going berserk requires both speed and brute force, it’s worth considering a heavy off-hand weapon paired with a smaller, faster main-hand weapon.

10 Fearless Leaper (Bear Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bear skills Fearless Leaper and skill path

Arriving on the battlefield with Fearless Leaper is both potent against enemies and thrilling for Berserker Assassin players. Instead of sneakily Eagle Diving into a haystack, Eivor can land amidst enemies from any height, dealing heavy damage when this skill is activated.

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In terms of downsides, they’re negligible. This skill requires leaping off a height, but even leaping off a cart can trigger the desired effect. It is a bit overpowered, but for players who sometimes let their health get a little too low, it can flatten low-level enemies surrounding Eivor for a breather.

9 Dual Swap (Bear Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bear skills Dual Swap and skill path

Even shields can become dangerous weapons, but that’s not all Dual Swap can do. This skill may seem like it’s just a flashy move, but it actually makes Eivor’s weapon use incredibly versatile by making full use of every kind of weapon attack in both main-hand and off-hand.

With Dual Swap, Eivor essentially has access to three unique fighting styles per weapon: light and heavy attacks with the main hand and unique parry attacks in the off-hand. Players can also alternate between precision strikes and sweeping attacks by swapping the right weapon to the off-hand mid-battle.

8 Wolf Warrior (Wolf Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Wolf skills Wolf Warrior and skill path

The Wolf Warrior skill is where the Berserker Assassin build becomes a truly exhilarating experience. Players going all-out while surrounded will become a force of nature the more they’re hit: Eivor’s damage increases when health is lost with this skill.

This skill is best experienced in tandem with Grit, Cold Rage, and Intense Rage to ensure a lot of Eivor’s hits land. Players who fight with fury and abandon will enjoy unleashing Eivor’s full battle potential with Wolf Warrior, ending intense battles fight-ready and full of bloodlust.

7 Cold Rage (Bear Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bear skills Cold Rage and skill path

Cold Rage is an important skill for Berserker Assassins because it activates if Eivor unleashes a frenzy of strikes on the enemy. Eivor ignores hit interruptions during repeated regular melee attacks with this skill, negating the only real advantage enemies would have over this build.

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If paired with Intense Rage, these skills make Eivor absolutely unstoppable on the battlefield. It does have a recharge time, but the berserker play style is the best way to keep triggering it.

6 Intense Rage (Raven Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Raven skills Intense Rage and skill path

Intense Rage is the other half of the Cold Rage skill, but it’s arguably more important for the Berserker Assassin. This skill allows Eivor to ignore hit interruptions while performing off-hand and special attacks, which is essential if Heavy Dual-Wield is also purchased.

Without this skill, it’s best to favor quicker weapons for off-hand special attacks. However, heavy off-hand attacks are some of the most spectacular crowd-control moves available to Eivor, and Intense Rage makes sure players can follow through on those attacks. There’s nothing like a berserker leveling a swarm of enemies.

5 Adrenaline Fiend (Bear Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bear skills Adrenaline Fiend and skill path

The Adrenaline Fiend skill rewards building adrenaline by increasing damage, making it the perfect pair to the Wolf Warrior skill. Where Wolf Warrior makes sure health loss increases damage, this skill will increase Eivor’s damage and attack speed for every full bar of adrenaline.

With this skill in the Berserker Assassin build, players will enjoy a well-rounded battle rhythm. Both the low points of battle and those drawing vitality from it reward Eivor with damage bonuses. Building back strength with fury is where Adrenaline Fiend shines.

4 Unstoppable (Wolf Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Wolf skills Unstoppable and skill path

Unstoppable is one of those skills that is palpable from the moment players purchase it. With this skill, Eivor becomes unblockable at full sprint, knocking back enemies in the process.

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This skill only requires that Eivor is in combat to activate, which means that Unstoppable will also fast-track players to the most intense scenes of battle, knocking aside civilians and allies to make way. It won’t hurt them, but it’s appropriately insane to knock aside Eivor’s allies to get to the fight before anyone else.

3 Terror (Bear Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bear skills Terror and skill path

Eivor becomes the most unnerving berserker on the battlefield with the Terror skill. If players want a little elbow room, a Stun Finisher will make all low-level enemies surrounding Eivor succumb to their fear and shrink away.

This skill is purely for the feel of the Berserker Assassin, as it doesn’t have much practical application beyond NPC’s visibly respecting Eivor’s prowess. Even so, it’s very satisfying, and Terror can thin the ranks a little if players feel mobbed or need a moment to heal up.

2 Grit (Wolf Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Wolf skills Grit and skill path

Although there are quite a few choice skills that regenerate health, none are more appropriate for a Berserker build than Grit. This skill requires Eivor to land successful hits to regain lost health.

Because going berserk is all about swinging weapons as violently and effectively as possible, it’s highly likely that this skill will be enough to keep Eivor alive and still take full advantage of the Wolf Warrior, Cold Rage, and Intense Rage skills.

1 Battlefield Cremation (Bear Tree)

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Bear skills Battlefield Cremation and skill path

Battlefield Cremation is a nice touch to complete the Berserker Assassin build. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as ensuring your enemies will keep burning after they die from a fire attack. Especially when it spreads to others.

This skill only works with a fire-producing weapon and/or ability, and it’s worth investing in both. Players who enjoy setting their enemies ablaze will want to complete their berserker experience by choosing Battlefield Cremation as the optimal way to end any conflict with fiery finality.

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

MORE: Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: Best Tips To Get Off To A Good Start As A Beginner

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