Pokemon Fan Designs Impressive Paradox Forms for Phanpy

- A Pokemon fan created original Paradox forms for the pocket creature Phanpy, which is featured in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
- The fan art includes a past version called “Tiny Tusk” with a lavender body and dark pink spikes, and a future version called “Iron Hose” with a robotic body.
- Pokemon fans praised the artist’s creativity and expressed interest in seeing more Paradox forms for existing Pokemon in the future. Excitement surrounds upcoming news for the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC.
A Pokemon fan has recently designed past and future Paradox form fan art featuring the Ground-type pocket creature Phanpy. The design concepts are likely to tickle the fancy of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet fans who have been wanting to see these special versions of the Pokemon.
With the recent release of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet‘s The Teal Mask DLC, it is not surprising for the more creative members of the franchise’s community to be inspired to make more fan art of well-beloved pocket creatures. Phanpy’s evolution plays a role in Scarlet and Violet, being one of the few Pokemon chosen by the developers to have both a past and future Paradox form within the video game. Given this fact, it was only a matter of time until a Pokemon fan decided to create Paradox form fan art for Donphan’s base evolution Phanpy.
On Reddit, user DinoMan64 posted their original design concepts of Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Paradox forms for Phanpy. The Ground-type’s body shape and features are unmistakable in their artworks, but the artist’s new versions are given interesting elements to reflect whether they are from the past or the future. Calling their past Paradox version “Tiny Tusk,” DinoMan64 gave the Pokemon a lavender-colored body, added dark pink spikes to its spine, and included small tusks on the side of its mouth. On the other hand, their future Paradox version was named “Iron Hose,” and the artist gave the creature a very robotic body, reflecting the glittery parts of Iron Threads onto its ears and trunk.
DinoMan64’s past and future Paradox forms for Phanpy seem to have impressed Pokemon fans, especially since they made two versions for the pocket creature. Comments on the Reddit thread seemed to particularly like Tiny Tusk, and how the artist portrayed the Pokemon’s features. Others also opened the discussion about why the development team did not include Phanpy in the list of official Paradox form Pokemon, given that Donphan was already part of it. Nevertheless, the community enjoyed DinoMan64’s creativity, and will probably look forward to more of their pieces.
With the second part of the Pokemon Scarlet and Violet DLC coming later this year, fans still have more news to look forward to from the development team. Hopefully more Paradox forms for currently existing Pokemon will be revealed. Many Pokemon fan artists will surely be encouraged to make more original design concepts when additional details are unveiled in the future.
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