
Spider-Man 2: How To Beat Peter


After the Kraven boss fight in Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 main mission, Anything Can Be Broken, the Black Suit has corrupted Peter and has taken control of him. Now, it’s up to the new Spider-Man to snap Peter out of it, which brings to head an epic confrontation between the two Spider-Men. In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, fighting Peter makes for one of the best boss fights in the game, especially since Peter can use all the moves that players are familiar with when they spend their time in this web-slinger’s mask.

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Peter is by no means an easy boss fight, and his multiple phases, and bolstered powers from the Symbiote, make him a daring challenge, a powerhouse of epic proportions. Miles Morales’ Spider-Man may not want to fight Peter in Spider-Man 2, but it’s essential to save his friend and bring back the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man before he does the unthinkable.

Peter Phase One

miles morales fighting peter parker

Peter begins the boss fight by submerging the phase two Kraven arena in the Black Suit’s Symbiote goo. As soon as the fight begins, Peter will try and use a Web Strike attack (Triangle Button), to get towards Mile and punch him. Players can parry or dodge this move before the web connects to them.

It’s hard to juggle Peter in the air due to the fact that he will leap back, so it’s best to keep the fight grounded. If players aren’t too careful, Peter will summon a large tendril, and swipe upwards, indicated with a yellow circle around his character to show players that this move needs to be parried, and cannot be dodged. Upon a successful parry, players have a window of opportunity to attack.

peter parker black suit spider-man using symbiote powers

Peter can sometimes commit to combos, in which he will use a slow-hitting punch of his left and then right hand, to finish up with a third attack which is a Crush attack. This Crush move is heavy and must be dodged, not parried. It’s indicated with the large blue circle, and how Peter will wind his arm back to summon a black tendril.

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Another dangerous move to look out for involves a parry-only move where he will use a tendril to try and throw Miles into the air. The Spider-Sense is great here, as it gives players plenty of time to parry this attack. If this attack connects, Peter will be able to perform an air-combo on Miles.

A great strategy to use against Peter is the bell at the center of the arena. This was the same bell that Kraven used on Peter in the battle prior, and players can use L1 + R1 to ring it themselves. This will cause Peter and the Symbiote to stun, enabling them to perform a few combos without sabotage, and giving them time to build their focus meter. Peter will then web up the bell, making it unusable for the remainder of phase one. It’s worth noting that Miles’ special ability with L3 + R3 creates a devastating lightning explosion that can take away almost 25% of Peter’s health bar, so this can come in handy whenever it’s available. Players can also press Up on the D-Pad to enter camouflage just to try and take a moment’s rest from Peter’s aggressive tactics.

Peter Phase Two

peter parker punching miles morales

After the first health bar has been depleted, a mini-cutscene will begin, and the two Spider-Men will gain some distance. Peter will immediately try and grab Spider-Man with a tendril. This is also seen as Spider-Man’s whip attack, where he will jump into the air to slam down a devastating tendril that players can dodge.

Spider-Man also has the Symbiote Punch ability that he can use in this phase, meaning he will try and grab Miles with his tendril to cause some harsh damage. Simply dodge out of the way of these moves, and focus in on the Spider-Senses to know when the time is right. There is also a version of the Symbiote Punch that players cannot counter, and this is indicated through a Crush attack above Peter’s head. If this variant pops up, just dodge it.

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peter parker using a venom tendril to attack miles

Another move that Peter can use that players might be familiar with is the Symbiote Blast, which will see him send out a burst of tendrils in every direction. This is Peter’s Crush attack, and players will need to dodge this move to avoid it. This attack is more prominent when Miles is in the air, so try and stay grounded.

Once again, players can ring the bell to stun Peter, allowing them to build up their best Abilities and Focus meter without distraction or resistance from Peter. After a moment, he will web up the bell again, but there’s a way to get the bell back if players see Peter launch into the air. Peter will try and throw a pimp Symbiote bomb, but if players are fast enough, instead of dodging this, they can use L1 + R1 to snatch it out of Peter’s hands and throw it back at the bell to remove the webbing and use it again.

The best way to beat Peter in Spider-Man 2 is to utilize the bell and the arsenal of moves that players would have picked up through playing the game. Miles’ Venom Powers are greatly efficient against the Symbiote, so utilize these Abilities when available. After his health reaches 0% once again, he will enter the third and final phase, and become far more aggressive than before.

Peter Phase Three

miles morales using a venom punch on peter parker

The third phase begins after Miles shoots an electric blast at Peter, but Peter will separate the two and get some distance. As the fight begins again, Peter will immediately launch into a Symbiote Strike attack, where he will swarm into a mass of black goo to try and tackle Miles and launch him upwards. This is a Crush attack, so be prepared to dodge to the side to avoid this violent move.

The bell is also available again, and this is a perfect tactic to use against Peter. The constant stunning of the Symbiote will make Peter an easier opponent to beat, and provide players on different difficulty settings an equal chance to beat him up. However, it’s also worth noting that the Symbiote Bomb that Peter throws, and Miles catches with L1 + R1, will be thrown back by Peter, meaning Miles needs to hit L1 + R1 a second time, like a game of hot potato.

spider-man rips the symbiote off of his suit

In phase three, Peter will utilize all the moves from the previous fights, with more of an aggressive attitude. Keep the Focus meter as a backup for healing, and wail on Peter, making use of the Abilities and parries to ensure that Peter cannot take Miles out. When Peter’s health bar reaches 0%, a small cutscene will play, and players will play as Peter as he tries desperately to rip off the suit. Players will need to spam the Square Button, and then pull the Left Stick and Right Stick in opposing directions to end the fight, and contain the Symbiote, freeing Peter from its grasp, and bringing the two Spider-Men back together.

marvel's spider-man 2

Marvel’s Spider-Man 2


October 20, 2023

Insomniac Games

Open-World, Action-Adventure

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