
Best Magical D&D Items For Really Creative Players


Magic items in Dungeons & Dragons are great. It feels awesome to defeat a difficult encounter and be rewarded with a new shiny toy to play with. Every player has their own preference as to what kind of artifact they would prefer, be it a more powerful weapon, or a useful tool for exploration.

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Certain players excel at giving almost any mundane item a new and creative use, that DMs have had no chance of preparing for. Giving those kinds of players even more creative power might feel daunting, but ultimately it will surely brighten the games for everyone involved. At the end of the day, it’s all about fun and comfort for everyone at the table.

9 Hat Of Disguise

Hat of Disguise

Item Type

Item Rarity

Requires Attunement

Adventuring Gear – Hat



The Hat of Disguise is a certified classic, with Disguise Self being as great a spell as it is an item. With the hat, however, there is no limitation as to how many times per day players can use it, and as long as they wear it on their head, the spell retains its power.

It can be great fun to see players try(and often fail) to pass as someone else, and they are only limited by their imagination and knowledge of the world they play in. They could try posing as the current king, but it would be up to them to truly sell it.

8 Daern’s Instant Fortress

Daern's Instant Fortress

Item Type

Requires Attunement

Item Rarity

Wondrous Item



This item looks like a 1-inch metal cube, taking up barely any space at all. However, upon activation with a command word, the cube instantly expands to a large, near-indestructible tower, pushing everything and everyone out of the way.

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On the surface, it is a great item to use in a fight, granting players protection and advantage on the battlefield. However, there are plenty of uses outside of combat, such as a makeshift ladder, vantage point, or even safe camping grounds. And should one be used during an important ceremony or a noble dinner reception, chaos is all but guaranteed.

7 Immovable Rod

Immovable Rod

Item Type

Requires Attunement

Item Rarity

Adventuring Gear – Rod



The Immovable Rod is exactly what it sounds like: a long metal rod, that upon activation cannot be moved from its place. It can withstand up to 8000 pounds of force, making it incredibly sturdy and reliable in most situations.

The fact that it can be activated mid-air makes this item incredibly versatile, allowing creative players to use them as anchors, ladders, or even weapons, should they be used, say, from inside a flying dragon. It is a great tool to give to players who enjoy thinking outside the box. It’s also just fun watching them push the item to its absolute limits.

6 Staff Of Power

Staff of Power

Item Type

Requires Attunement

Item Rarity

Adventuring Gear-Staff

By a Sorcerer, Wizard, or Warlock

Very Rare

There are many items that grant players usage of extra spells, and the Staff of Power is just a great example of such an artifact. Aside from boosting the wielder’s magical prowess, the staff also grants the player 9 spells to play around with and uses its own charges instead of the player’s spell slots.

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The collection of spells is also fantastic for any mage, giving them access to a mix of offensive and utility spells that can save the party in a pinch. Depending on how much leeway the DM gives when it comes to magic use, there are a myriad of ways a good player can put it to use.

5 Abracadabrus


Item Type

Requires Attunement

Item Rarity

Wondrous Item


Very Rare

The Abracadabrus is a small beautiful chest, which can grant the player any item they wish for if their price does not exceed 1 gold piece. While that might not seem like much on the surface, the chest has 20 charges per day, and players can get an array of useful materials, liquids, and even food.

It certainly helps to come prepared to a dungeon. However, one might never quite know exactly what might be needed for that particular adventure. With this item, such problems disappear and provide a great array of options for problem-solving, and just as well trouble-causing.

4 Deck Of Illusions

Deck of Many Things

Item Type

Requires Attunement

Item Rarity

Wondrous Item



The Deck of Illusions has up to 34 cards in it, and players can randomly pull out a card and toss it nearby. Upon doing so, an illusion of a random magical beast will appear on the thrown card, and look and act exactly like that monster would.

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The illusions themselves are completely harmless, and will immediately reveal themselves to being as such upon any contact. There are many uses for such an item, starting from a powerful distraction, to giving an advantage in combat. To use it to its full potential, players will need good timing, deception, and a little bit of luck.

3 Robe Of Useful Items

Robe of Many Things

Item Type

Requires Attunement

Item Rarity

Wondrous Item



After all, every mage needs a cloak. This one in particular has up to 20 different patches, with different items drawn on the patches. Should players tear them off, the drawn items will appear in their hands, ready to use.

Aside from useful adventure gear, the robe may come with unique and rare effects, such as the Window, which would make a window appear on anything the players can reach. Or a lovely riding horse, to quickly escape or catch up to their enemies. It all comes down to which patches the player gets, and exactly how they can think of putting it to good use.

2 Alchemy Jug

Alchemy Jug

Item Type

Requires Attunement

Item Rarity

Wondrous Item



Who wouldn’t want 2 gallons of mayonnaise per day? This peculiar jug has 10 different corks on its body, with different liquids pouring out of each one. The liquids range from simple water to wine, and even acid.

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The various liquids can be utilized in any number of ways, from lubricating a stubborn lock to hosting a dinner party. Depending on the liquid, various amounts are available per day, but all of them can be put to good use, given the right situation and a determined mindset.

1 Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments

Marvelous Pigments

Item Type

Requires Attunement

Item Rarity

Wondrous Item


Very Rare

This magical set of paints brings to life any non-magical object that the owner decides to paint, worth no more than 25gp. One bottle of paint can cover up to 1000 square feet of a surface, and the created objects may not exceed 10,000 cubic feet of volume.

Any player with a knack for creativity will surely appreciate this item. Aside from making objects, adding things to existing terrain also works, such as drawing a door on a wall will make an actual passage inside, or drawing a pit in the ground will make a massive hole, as big as the paint allows. Its usage is only limited by the player’s imagination.


Dungeons and Dragons

Dungeons & Dragons

Original Release Date
November 30, 1973

Wizards of the Coast

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