Elden Ring: Best Shields

It’s no surprise that players worldwide believe that Elden Ring is GOTY material, even if there’s still more content yet to be released like the DLC that some players have found evidence of before its announcement earlier in 2023. In the long wait until the DLC, players still have plenty of caves to explore, ruins to pillage, and ill-omened creatures to fell.
But, players shouldn’t expect to breeze through Elden Ringsince they’ll need to use the best equipment to survive. One type of equipment that can prove useful in vanquishing enemies is a shield since it can protect a player from lethal blows. But, with so many Elden Ring shields to choose from, it can be a challenge to know which one is the best one to get the job done.
Updated November 1, 2023 by Erik Petrovich: There are a lot of shields Elden Ring players can acquire throughout the game, but not all of them are easy to find or as useful as others. The best shields in Elden Ring tend to be those that can deflect 100% Physical Damage, or shields that offer some kind of additional effect. The Shield of the Guilty isn’t great for defense, but it can cause Bleed buildup with a bash. On the other hand, the Great Turtle Shield has great defenses, the Barricade Shield Ash of War, and a passive but slow Stamina recovery effect. Check each section in this guide to good shields Elden Ring players can get for newly explained reasoning on each shield’s placement, as well as more complete descriptions of how to find (or unlock) each shield in the first place.
15 Shield Of The Guilty
The Bleed You Need, Guaranteed
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 68 |
MAG: 36 |
FIRE: 36 |
LGHT: 31 |
HOLY: 37 |
Small |
STR: 8 |
Shield Bash (10 FP) |
2.0 |
Bleed buildup on Bash, and +40 Focus |
Even though small shields aren’t the best at reducing attacks due to their size, Shield of the Guilty is an exception since it has 68 points of Guard Protection. On top of that, since it’s a small shield, players can dodge attacks a lot quicker and easier without using too much Stamina.
Another feature that makes this one of the best shields in Elden Ring is that players can use the Shield Bash Ash of War which can stagger most enemies.
How To Get The Shield of the Guilty in Elden Ring
Players can find the Shield of the Guilty in the Demi-Human Forest Ruins, found in the northern forests of the Weeping Peninsula – if you see Castle Morne, you’ve gone too far. Look for this just before the main building with the Demi-Human Queen mini-boss.
14 Beastman’s Jar-Shield
Balanced Stats On A Great-Looking Shield
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 95 |
MAG: 30 |
FIRE: 55 |
LGHT: 60 |
HOLY: 55 |
Medium |
STR: 10 |
5.0 |
N/A |
Players who want the best of a greatshield and a small shield will enjoy using the Beastman’s Jar-Shield since it balances damage reduction and agility. Another reason why the Beastman’s Jar-Shield deserves its spot among the best shields in Elden Ring is that it can be infused with Ashes of War, Magic, and other consumables.
The only problem with this medium shield is that players can only find it at Crumbling Farum Azula, which is considered the end-game area of Elden Ring.
How To Get The Beastman’s Jar-Shield in Elden Ring
This can drop from Beastmen of Farum Azula, but only the ones actually found at Farum Azula itself. Players that wish to wield this powerful medium shield can farm it from Beastmen near the Crumbling Beast Grave Depths Site of Grace.
13 Fingerprint Stone Shield
Maddeningly Heavy, And Maddeningly Strong
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 77 |
FIRE: 81 |
LGHT: 79 |
HOLY: 75 |
Greatshield |
STR: 48 |
Shield Bash (10 FP) |
29.0 |
Madness buildup on Bash |
Even though the Fingerprint Stone Shield is one of the heaviest shields in Elden Ring, and even requires 48 Strength, it’s a viable pick for any strength-heavy build. It boasts great defenses, 100% Physical block, and can hold its own against the most Stamina-reducing attacks.
But, one of the main reasons why the Fingerprint Stone Shield is one of the best shields in Elden Ring is that its Ash of War causes Madness build-up. Unfortunately, obtaining this greatshield is no easy task.How To Get The Fingerprint Stone Shield In Elden Ring
Players will first need to defeat Morgott, the Omen King, and Mohg. After beating both of these powerful bosses, players will need to go to the Cathedral of the Forsaken deep beneath Leyndell, and continue down a specific set of platforms that will eventually lead them to the shield.
12 Jellyfish Shield
There’s Nothing Squishy About 100% Physical Reduction
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 52 |
FIRE: 52 |
LGHT: 31 |
HOLY: 40 |
Greatshield |
STR: 20, DEX: 14 |
Contagious Fury (9 FP) |
8.0 |
N/A |
The Jellyfish Shield is undoubtedly one of the most unique-looking greatshields in Elden Ring that most players may ignore due to its squishy appearance. But, this greatshield merits a place in this Elden Ring shield tier list since its Contagious Fury ability boosts the player’s attack by 20% for 30 seconds.
But, the buff only applies to single-handed weapons, so players can’t use its Ash of War and switch to a two-handed weapon, as it will nullify the effects.
How To Get The Jellyfish Shield In Elden Ring
Players can find this powerful shield near the Four Belfies, in a field to the west. Look next to a corpse guarded by four Jellyfish, which can easily be reached by heading north from the Foot of the Four Belfries.
11 Scripture Wooden Shield
Great For Parrying As A Caster
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 70 |
MAG: 40 |
FIRE: 22 |
LGHT: 37 |
HOLY: 45 |
Small |
STR: 8 |
Parry (0 FP) |
1.5 |
N/A |
The Scripture Wooden Shield is the go-to shield for most players who enjoy using magic builds since it offers a modest amount of defense while still being light enough for players who avoid investing in Stamina. But, the real beauty of the Scripture Wooden Shield is that it can Parry a huge number of attacks from bosses like that of Malenia, Blade of Miquella.
Though the Parry Ash of War can also be bought and applied to other shields, this one is found soon enough that it’s a useful shield for mages in the early game. Parrying attacks takes time and practice, so players new to parrying should practice on easier enemies before tackling larger ones.
How To Get The Scripture Wooden Shield In Elden Ring
Players can easily obtain this small shield by farming the skeleton enemies found inside Deathtouched Catacombs. It can also be found later on in the Auriza Hero’s Grave.
10 Blue-Gold Kite Shield
Easy-To-Get 100% Physical Reduction Shield
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 47 |
FIRE: 53 |
LGHT: 35 |
HOLY: 45 |
Medium |
STR: 12 |
Parry (0 FP) |
5.0 |
N/A |
While it lacks agility due to its size, it’s a great shield to reduce incoming damage or block certain attacks. Moreover, a well-timed Parry can stagger most enemies and bosses, turning the tide of a battle. And if a player has a Talisman that increases maximum Stamina like the Viridian Amber, they can block more attacks.
But, despite its decent stats, other shields can get the job done a lot better, but the reason why Blue-Gold Kite Shield is among the best is that it’s a lot easier to obtain when compared to the other shields on the list.
How To Get The Blue-Gold Kite Shield In Elden Ring
The Blue-Gold Kite Shield can be bought from the Nomadic Merchant in Eastern Limgrave for 1000 runes. The merchant sits just out of sight just north of Fort Haight. For classes that didn’t start with a 100% Physical block shield, it’s an invaluable stop to make early in the game.
9 Visage Shield
It’s A Shield With An Old Man’s Face That Blasts Fire From Its Mouth
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 62 |
FIRE: 81 |
LGHT: 65 |
HOLY: 62 |
Greatshield |
STR: 44 |
Tongues of Fire (5 FP) |
24.0 |
N/A |
Undoubtedly, Greatshields are very effective shields that can protect players from certain death, but players will need to invest in Strength if they want to wield one. And the Visage Shield is a useful Greatshield since it not only protects players but can also spray several jets of fire from its front.
Moreover, players can use Magic and Consumables to buff Tongues of Fire’s damage. But, players will use up FP while using the skill, so players do well acquiring the Cerulean Hidden Tear, which grants unlimited FP for a short duration.
How To Get The Visage Greatshield In Elden Ring
The Visage Greatshield can only be found in the Caelem Ruins just down the road from the Smouldering Church. Watch out for the Scarlet Rot-infested enemies whose instantly recognizable Pizza Tower scream signals they are about to explode.
8 Marred Leather Shield
A Bleed-Buildup Shield That’s Found In Limgrave
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 75 |
MAG: 49 |
FIRE: 36 |
LGHT: 45 |
HOLY: 45 |
Medium |
STR: 8 |
3.0 |
Bleed buildup on Bash |
Even though the Marred Leather Shield doesn’t have any Ash of War, it does have a Passive one that causes Blood Loss buildup, which will inflict a massive amount of damage when procced. So, the Marred Leather Shield paired with a Bleed weapon like the Uchigatana can prove to be a lethal combo since both pieces of equipment cause Blood Loss buildup.
To get this shield, players will need to take a secret entrance to Stormveil Castle, making it one of the earliest (and easiest) Status Effect shields in Elden Ring.
How To Get The Marred Leather Shield In Elden Ring
Players will find the Marred Leather Shield shortly after locating the second Site of Grace, just beyond the sword birds and just before actually entering Stormveil Castle. To get to this spot the fastest, skip the entire Stormveil Castle by taking a shortcut offered by Gostoc.
7 Coil Shield
It Lacks In Defense, But It Comes With A Snake
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 65 |
MAG: 38 |
FIRE: 29 |
LGHT: 35 |
HOLY: 36 |
Small |
STR: 10, DEX: 10 |
Viper bite (8 FP) |
1.5 |
+40 Immunity |
Players who enjoy rolling around and dodging attacks (which the Bandit class excels in) will enjoy using the Coil Shield since it’s classified as Small Shield, making it lightweight. But, as one might have expected, this shield offers little to no damage mitigation in exchange for this light load.
Despite that minor setback, FromSoftwaregave this shield a unique skill in the form of Viper Bite, which unleashes a viper that performs a bite attack on enemies. Moreover, Viper Bite causes Poison to enemy players, and at a rate faster than other Poison sources. For Poison builds, it’s a must-have.
How To Get The Coil Shield In Elden Ring
The Coil Shield can be found in the Volcano Cave of Mt. Gelmir, just north of the Ninth Campsite Site of Grace. Players will have to navigate to a small room located on a cliff, where enemies will ambush them. Get past the ambush to find the Coil Shield on the ground.
6 Great Turtle Shell
A Killer Combo: Stamina Recovery & Barricade Shield
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 87 |
MAG: 44 |
FIRE: 39 |
LGHT: 43 |
HOLY: 46 |
Medium |
STR: 8 |
Barricade Shield (8 FP) |
5.5 |
Boosts Stamina Recovery |
Even though some players may refer to this shield as the Great Dog Shell (which is a running meme in the Elden Ring community), the Great Turtle Shell has a decent balance of defense and weight. But the reason why the Great Turtle Shell is one of the best Elden Ring shields is because of the Ash of War.
Barricade Shield temporarily increases Guard Boost and defense so greatly that players can deflect lethal blows and strike back with little to no impact on Stamina. Moreover, the Great Turtle Shell has a Passive Skill that boosts stamina recovery rate, proving useful against chain attacks. And the good news is that players can obtain this shield without fighting an enemy.
How To Get The Great Turtle Shell In Elden Ring
The Great Turtle Shell is found in the Weeping Peninsula on top of a tower just north of Castle Morne. While riding Torrent, leap into the spirit spring near the Castle Morne Rampart, and the Tarnished will be whisked to the top of the cliff and this item on a body on top of the tower.
5 Carian Knight’s Shield
100% Physical Reduction For Magic Builds
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 71 |
FIRE: 28 |
LGHT: 19 |
HOLY: 54 |
Medium |
STR: 10, DEX: 10, INT: 15 |
4.5 |
N/A |
The Carian Knight’s Shield has one of the best Guard Boost stats in Elden Ring, especially once it’s upgraded past +10. Additionally, this shield is ideal for magic wielders since it offers very good stats with low Strength and Dexterity requirements.
The Carian Knight’s Shield is also useful for non-magic users for its notably high Magic defense, which can be great for taking on the Carian Study Hall and its Bow-wielding guardian.
How To Get The Carian Knight’s Shield In Elden Ring
This shield only drops from the Carian Knight Moongrum himself, found just before the Rennala fight in the Academy of Raya Lucaria. He’s a tough cookie to crack, but jumping attacks and the use of the nearby elevator to get him to fall are his weaknesses (a similar tactic some players use to farm millions of Runes).
4 Brass Shield
All-Around Great Defensives, But High Weight
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 55 |
FIRE: 59 |
LGHT: 39 |
HOLY: 54 |
Medium |
STR: 16 |
7.0 |
N/A |
The Brass Shield is one of the game’s best early shields for its relatively low requirements, great stats, and ability to be imbued with new Ashes of War. Though it is outclassed eventually by lighter shields, more defensive shields, or more build-oriented ones, the Brass Shield can take players all the way through Elden Ring.
The major downside to the Brass Shield is its weight, taking up a huge 7.0 weight when equipped. Players who want to maintain a Light load should avoid this one in favor of a Kite shield.
How To Get The Brass Shield In Elden Ring
The best place to farm the Brass Shield is by farming Raya Lucaria soldiers that are gathered outside of Raya Lucaria Academy. Moreover, players can farm Godrick Soldiers at the Gatefront Ruins and the rest of Limgrave, but they should only attack the ones carrying the shield itself. Despite having multiple drop locations, the Brass Shield is one of the rarest (0.8% Drop Chance) shield drops in Elden Ring, so be prepared for a lot of resets.
3 Dragonclaw Shield
Awesome Design For Relatively Low-Weight Greatshield
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 52 |
FIRE: 52 |
LGHT: 76 |
HOLY: 47 |
Greatshield |
STR: 28, DEX: 12 |
Shield Bash (10 FP) |
13.5 |
N/A |
Arguably the coolest-looking shield in Elden Ring, the Dragonclaw Shield is a fantastic greatshield that can block even the strongest attacks. The Ash of War is also useful during combat, especially for players who aren’t good at parrying, as Shield Bash will push weaker enemies and stagger bosses.
The main benefit of this shield is its appearance, as its defensive stats are a bit lower than other greatshields. But thanks to its relatively low weight, the Dragonclaw Shield can free up some room in one’s Equip Load for better armor.
How To Get The Dragonclaw Shield In Elden Ring
To obtain this massive shield players must defeat the Draconic Tree Sentinel, just outside the entrance to Leyndell. It’s a tough fight, but fortunately, this optional boss also drops the Colossal weapon Dragon Greatclaw, a perfect match for the shield in aesthetic and play style.
2 Beast Crest Heater Shield
Another Easy-To-Find 100% Physical Reduction Shield
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 50 |
FIRE: 43 |
LGHT: 32 |
HOLY: 42 |
Medium Shield |
STR: 10 |
Parry (0 FP) |
3.5 |
N/A |
Undoubtedly, the best small or medium starter shield in Elden Ring, the Beast Crest Heater Shield has a great balance of defense for its weight – including 100% physical block. Its low weight and low stat requirements make it ideal for any class, as it only requires a paltry 10 Strength to equip.
Additionally, players can upgrade the Crest Heater Shield with Ashes of War, arguably the best of which is the Barricade Shield ability. Whatever one’s playstyle, the Beast Creat Heater Shield is a great choice, and it can be found very early in the game.
How To Get The Beast Crest Heater Shield In Elden Ring
And obtaining the Crest Heater Shield is quite easy since players can avoid the enemies that surround it. Head to the Saintsbridge to the east of Stormhill, and look for a camp filled to the brim with Godrick soldiers. Look for a chest, and quickly hop off Torrent, open the chest, loot it, and re-mount to get out of there without a scratch.
1 Erdtree Greatshield
Golden Retaliation: It’s Better Than Parrying
Physical and Elemental Guard |
Shield Type |
Level Req. |
Ash of War |
Weight |
Special Properties |
PHYS: 100 |
MAG: 66 |
FIRE: 49 |
LGHT: 45 |
HOLY: 76 |
Greatshield |
STR: 30, FAITH: 12 |
Golden Retaliation (4 FP) |
13.5 |
N/A |
The Erdtree Greatshield is not only one of the best Elden Ring shields, but it also has one of the best Ashes of War. Remember the Tree Sentinel at the beginning of the game, the one that parried spells with a blast of Holy energy back at the Tarnished? That’s what this Ash of War does, it parries spells – sorceries and incantations alike – and turns them into projectiles.
Some players have found a way to exploit Golden Retaliation with self-harming incantations like Fire’s Deadly Sin, which sets a large area ablaze.
How To Get The Erdtree Greatshield In Elden Ring
Obtaining this shield will require the player to kill two Tree Sentinels guarding the southern gate into the Outer Moat of Leyndell. Though the duo technically both must die for the shield to spawn, one can be pulled off from the other behind the gate so players can focus them down. Either way, the shield only drops when both of the Tree Sentinels do.

Elden Ring
- Platform(s)
- PS5, Xbox One, PS4, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, PC
- Released
- February 25, 2022
- Developer(s)
- From Software
- Publisher(s)
- Bandai Namco Entertainment, From Software
- M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Language, Suggestive Themes, Violence
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