
How To Get Shiny Mega Houndoom


Pokemon GO developers offer multiple Standard and Shiny Pokemon variants through in-game raids. However, getting a Shiny Mega Pokemon is quite challenging, but Mega raids provide chances to get one. Mega Houndoom is a dual Dark and Fire-type monster featured as a Mega raid boss.

Pokemon GO Mega raid bosses have boosted offensive capabilities and are extremely powerful compared to their regular variants. Players can get a Shiny Mega Pokemon through raids, but it is a challenging task; one must first acquire a Shiny variant, and later Mega evolve it. Trainers must defeat the Mega Houndoom raids to get a chance to encounter Shiny Houndoom. However, beating a Mega monster requires a team full of potent counters and extreme meta-knowledge.

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How To Get Shiny Mega Houndoom In Pokemon GO

Mega Houndoom and Shiny Mega Houndoom in Pokemon GO

The dual Dark and Fire-type Mega Houndoom is extremely powerful, and its Shiny variant is considered a rare existence. Once Pokemon GO players defeat the Mega raid boss, they can encounter a Shiny Houndoom; all that’s left is Mega evolving it afterward.

Trainers should note that the possibility of encountering a Shiny Houndoom after defeating the Mega raid boss isn’t guaranteed. While some players might encounter a Shiny Houndoom, others might only encounter its Standard variant. Since Houndoom is featured as a Mega raid boss, trainers cannot use Pokemon GO items to increase their chances of finding a shiny variant.

The major strategy is to win multiple Mega Houndoom raids, securing numerous Houndoom encounters to catch up to its Shiny spawn rate. As powerful as Mega Houndoom is, it has numerous weaknesses that trainers can use to take down the boss quickly. The Mega monster is weak to Fighting, Ground, Rock, and Water-type attacks but can resist Psychic, Dark, Fire, Ghost, Grass, Steel, and Ice-type moves in Pokemon GO. One should consider this knowledge to form a battle roster of powerful counters.

Mega Houndoom Counters For Mega Raids

Mega Houndoom in Pokemon GO

Once players defeat Mega Houndoom in Pokemon GO raids, they might get a Shiny Houndoom and Mega Evolve it. After trainers initiate and complete the Mega Evolution process, they can finally get a Shiny Mega Houndoom.

Mega Houndoom Counters

Fast Moves

Charged Moves

Primal Groudon

Mud Shot

Precipice Blades

Primal Kyogre


Origin Pulse

Mega Swampert

Water Gun

Hydro Cannon

Shadow Rampardos

Smack Down

Rock Slide


Double Kick

Sacred Sword

Mega Blaziken


Focus Blast

Mega Diancie

Rock Throw

Rock Slide

Shadow Rhyperior


Rock Wrecker

Mega Rayquaza

Dragon Tail

Dragon Ascent

Mega Blastoise

Water Gun

Hydro Cannon

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How To Mega Evolve Shiny Houndoom In Pokemon GO

Mega Houndoom in Pokemon GO

Mega Evolving Houndoom costs 100 Mega Energy in Pokemon GO. Trainers can collect the required Mega Energy through activities such as winning Raids, finishing Research and daily tasks with Houndoom’s evolutionary line as the buddy Pokemon, and more. The Mega Evolution will cost players 100 Mega Energy for the first time, with later evolution costing 20 Mega Energy.

Pokemon GO trainers should also note that the Standard and the Shiny variants have the same process, with color being the only difference. The Mega Evolution process works the same for Standard and Shiny Houndoom.

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Pokémon GO


iOS, Android

July 6, 2016

Niantic, The Pokemon Company

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