Grand Theft Auto 6’s Protagonist Leaks Explained

- Anticipation for GTA 6 is at unprecedented levels, with leaks and rumors creating a frenzy of speculation about the game’s protagonists.
- The leaked gameplay footage suggests that GTA 6 will feature a close-knit duo as the main characters, possibly breaking the franchise’s tradition of only having male protagonists.
- The leaked information should be taken with a grain of salt, as game development is subject to change, but an official reveal trailer for GTA 6 should be coming soon.
Anticipation for Grand Theft Auto 6 is nearing unprecedented levels for a game as yet devoid of any promotional material outside Rockstar’s confirmation of development. The internet is awash in frame-by-frame disseminated leaks, unfounded rumors, and fan theories bordering on manifestos, muddying the waters for those looking to find any concrete information on the forthcoming entry in the studio’s flagship franchise. Some of what has been unearthed does have some merit, and the identity of the protagonist or rather protagonists that players might be controlling in Grand Theft Auto 6 could prove very real.
The protracted development of GTA 6 coupled with Rockstar’s tight-lipped philosophy on unveiling its games has created a theoretical hype machine that has the internet doing GTA 6‘s marketing job for them. In September 2022, a massive leak of GTA 6′s developmental build sparked a frenzy, with over 90 clips of rough-hewn gameplay footage forming a foundation on which much of the current speculation has been built. Of the various illuminating aspects within that formidable leak was a glimpse into the game’s presumed protagonists. What has been notable on that front, if it holds up until release, is that it marks the first instance that the franchise has featured a female playable character outside of GTA Online.
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The 2022 leak for GTA 6 featured the two main characters, Jason and Lucia, evoking comparisons to Bonnie and Clyde. A clip featuring the duo sticking up a Diner a la Pulp Fiction along with a few others has been presented as an indicator of the two’s close bond. Many chalk them up as lovers, even married, though Rockstar could absolutely subvert expectations, making them platonic friends, even brother and sister. It would make sense that the studio would go back to the well of multiple protagonists, given GTA 5‘s success, and a change in dynamic from an unlikely trio to a close-knit duo opens up a compelling dynamic the franchise has gone to in the past but could dial up to a central theme for GTA 6. Namely, having someone to trust unconditionally in the muck of a criminal underworld where none can be trusted.
There is a history to support Jason and Lucia being family in GTA 6, whether spouse or sibling. GTA 4 made great use of Niko’s cousin Roman as the player’s host and initial guide through that game’s version of Liberty City, but more importantly as a meaningful relationship that evolved over the course of the game and created a sense of pathos that elevated the story. Taking that pivotal role from a supporting character to an alternative leading role seems like a natural evolution.
For GTA 6, Almost Everything Known is Still in Flux
An important consideration on the major GTA 6 leak from 2022 is just how much of it will make it to the end product. Following the network breach, Rockstar’s press release was stark in its insistence that this would not impact or influence development, although, if any studio would drastically alter content spoiled in its early alpha stages, Rockstar seems a likely candidate. Given the mercurial nature of game design, most of what was leaked is fair play for changing shape, including character design.
The leak of Jason and Lucia has led the GTA fan base down a rabbit hole of speculation, but at this point, most of what has been unofficially divulged should be taken with a grain of salt. A recent earnings report places the release of GTA 6 in 2025, which means an official reveal trailer should be arriving sooner rather than later. Until then, Rockstar’s legion of fans will continue to cobble together leak-based theories on the pair of protagonists with varying degrees of veracity.
Grand Theft Auto 6 is in development.
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