How to Get Zero Wire

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Zero Wire is a manufactured resource of “Common” rarity in Starfield, essential for crafting items like Amplifiers, Long Scopes, Balanced Boostpacks, and Sensor Arrays. Although categorized as “Common,” acquiring Zero Wire can be a significant challenge, particularly in the early stages of the game.
Initially, players may have to depend on random drops from enemies to obtain this valuable resource or resort to purchasing it at inflated prices from vendors. However, there are more efficient approaches to gathering Zero Wire. This comprehensive guide outlines various methods for Starfield players to obtain this crucial resource without having to spend a fortune.
How to Find Zero Wire
To get Zero Wire, loot robots or purchase its coils from resource vendors for 52 Credits. Since Zero Wire is a manufactured material, it’s not possible to farm it organically. However, players can construct specialized tools to craft it in their settlements or Outposts.
Best locations to look for Zero Wires:
- Abandoned Outposts
- Laboratories
- Cargo Holds
- Science Outposts
- Abandoned Robotics Facility
List of enemies that are likely to drop Zero Wires:
- Crimson Fleet Robot Model A
- Ecliptic Robot Model A
- Ecliptic Robot Model S
- Hacked Tick Turret MK I
- Mining Turret MK I
- Robot Model S
- Turret MK I
- Turrets
- Va’ruun Robot Model A
- Va’ruun Robot Model S
How to Craft Zero Wire
Zero Wire can be crafted with two devices: The Industrial Workbench and the Simple Fabricator – Zero Wire. Each of these tools will turn one Copper and one Silver into a coil of Zero Wire. However, the latter, Simple Fabricator, can only be placed in Outposts and requires a power source to function.
To build a Zero Wire Fabricator, players will need four Tungsten, eight Aluminum, two Sealant, and three Zero Wires. However, players can find Industrial Workbenches scattered around cities and in primary points of interest like the Ledge.
How to Get Zero Wire with Console Commands
Players can force-spawn Zero Wire in their inventory using console commands. By entering the code “player.additem 00246B65 [Quantity],” with the final brackets indicating the number of coils, players can acquire the desired amount of Zero Wire. For example, replacing [Quantity] with “100” will grant the player 100 coils.
It’s worth noting that utilizing console command IDs is considered cheating and will disable achievements for the current playthrough.
Starfield is available now for PC and Xbox Series X/S.
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