How to Advance Time in The Sims 4

The Sims 4 is a popular life simulation video game that has captivated players for years with its unique mechanics and exciting gameplay. Once Sims are brought to life, players take charge of guiding them through different aspects of their lives and customizing their personalities, from their physical appearance to traits and aspirations.
However, as much as players love the engaging day-to-day activities in The Sims 4, there are times when they may want to just accelerate the time. Perhaps they started a fire to create chaos and want to see how Sims deal with it or maybe they engaged in Woohoo and want to speed up pregnancy. Whatever the case is, this guide will teach players how to advance time in The Sims 4.
How to Advance Time in The Sims 4
In The Sims 4, time operates differently from a standard clock, using both a 12-hour and a 24-hour clock format. There are three different settings for these clocks: slow, medium, and ultra-speed. Players can choose any mode of the clock and switch between different speeds.
Use Cheats to Speed up Time
In The Sims 4, it is possible to advance time from hours to weeks using cheat codes. Luckily, applying cheats in The Sims 4 is fairly straightforward. The first step is to launch the game and open the cheat box by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C. Then, players can type “testingcheats true” to enable cheats. Once done, type “clock.advance_game_time <hours> <minutes> <seconds>” in the dialogue box.
In place of hours, minutes, and seconds, players can type the numbers that they want to fast forward to. For example, “clock.advance_game_time 8 5 3” will advance the in-game time by eight hours, five minutes, and three seconds. After applying the cheat code, Simmers can again press ‘Ctrl+Shift+C’ to close the cheat console.
Just like that, gamers can change in-game seasons as well. For that, enable cheats and enter “seasons.set_season X” in the cheat console. In place of X, players can type 0 if they need to jump to the summer season. Similarly, they can replace it with 1 for fall, 2 for winter, and 3 for spring.
Those who want to advance their virtual world to the next season should type “seasons.advance_season” in the cheat console.
It is pertinent to mention that this cheat code will advance spring to summer, summer to fall, fall to winter, and winter to spring.
The Sims 4 is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.
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