منح مجانية وممولة بالكامل

نماذج مجانية لخطاب التوصية للتسجيل


عندما يتقدم طالب إلى الكلية ، سيحتاج إلى خطاب التوصية لعدد لا يقل عن إثنين من معلم في مدرسة ثانوية ، أو من صاحب العمل أحيانًا. تبحث مكاتب القبول في الكلية عن أشياء معينة في خطابات توصية الطالب.

كيفية كتابة خطاب التوصية

لكي تكتب رسالة توصية بنموذج معتمد و احترافي يجب عليك الانتباه الى :

  • المقدمة وتكتب بها تحية الى الجهة المانحة .
  • التعريف بالنفس – سيرة ذاتية شخصية مختصرة – في القسم التالي .
  • التعريف بالنفس -السيرة العلمية و المدرسية والجامعية –
  • اعطاء السبب الذي دفعك لتزكية هذا الشخص عند الجهة المعنية
  • النشاطات التي قام بها الطالب عندك اثناء فترة تدريسك له
  • لماذا ترى أنّ هذا الطالب يستحق التوصية والتزكية
  • النهاية تكت معلومات التواصل معك
  • اسمك + التوقيع.
نماذج مجانية لخطاب التوصية تستطيع استخدامها للتسجيل 2023

أنواع رسالة التوصية

  1. أولاً : رسالة توصية من مدرس للمرحلة الثانويه قد أشرف على تدريس بمادة واحده كالرياضيات مثلاً أو اكثر من مادة على سبيل المثال الفيزياء والكيمياء
  2. ثانياً : رسالة توصية من معيد أو دكتور أو بروفسور قد درسك في الجامعة أو أشرف على تدريسك في سنة من السنوات لمادة واحدة مثلا أو أكثر من مادة مثلاً معيد مادة الرياضيات أو التشريح أو حتى الكيمياء الحيويه مثلاً
  3. ثالثا : رسالة توصية من صاحب العمل في حال كنت تعمل لدى مؤسسة خاصة أو عامة ،
  4. فيجب هنا طلب رسالة التوصية من صاحب العمل أو رئيسك في العمل وقد يكون مشرف عليك مباشرة في العمل أو حتى صاحب المؤسسة التي تعمل بها .
  5. رابعاً : وهو الأكثر ندرة وطلباً وهو رسالة التوصية من الجامعة ذاتها التي درستها بها وهنا ستتوجه بطلب الى رئيس الكلية أو عميد الكلية ليوقع لك ويختم لك على رسالة توصية مثلا.

خطوات كتابة الخطاب

ماذا سيكتب لك المعلم أو المعيد أو الدكتور أو حتى عميد الكلية في الخطاب:

الخطوة الأولى

سوف يكتب سطراً أو سطريين يثني به على الجهة التي تريد أنت كطالب توجيه رسالة التوصيه لها وعلى سبيل المثال ، تريد التقديم للمنحة الدراسية في المانيا ، في جامعة شتوتغارت ، وهنا سيكتب لك مثالاً كما في السطر التالي :

Dear XYZ College Admissions in Stuttgart University،

الخطوة الثانية

ومباشرة بعد السطر السابق منذ متى تعرف عليك المدرس أو المعيد أو العميد وماذا كنت بالنسبة له بالضبط في الصف الذي درست به ، على سبيل المثال ان كنت تريد من مدرسك في الثانوية العامه أو من المعيد كتابة الرسالة لك فسيكتب ،

I have known Ahmad Al Ha for the past two years، having studied in my Class both English and French Languages . I believe Ahmad would be an excellent Student to Stuttgart University .

الخطوة الثالثة

في السطر القادم سوف يكتب لك على سبيل المثال ان كنت مجتهداً في الصف ، لديك نشاطات شخصية اثناء الدراسة أو حتى نشاطات اجتماعية مع زملائك في الدراسة ، على سبيل المثال :

While a student at ABC High School، Ahmad has always challenged himself academically. he is an active participant in class discussions and grasps material quickly. he has superb written and verbal skills that are a pleasure for any teacher to encounter. Ahmad even tutors incoming high school freshmen who are struggling with their English courses.

الخطوة الرابعة

في حال لو أراد الحديث عن نشاطاتك العملية وهو شيء جيد جداً عند كتابة التوصية لربما يستعين بذكر أهداف النشاط الذي قمت بها أنت لوحدك أو مع الزملاء في الصف ، مثلاً :

Ahmad also excels in extracurricular activities. Ahmad has served as the features editor of our high school paper for the past two years and has written a number of insightful، thought-provoking articles. Her ability to delegate work to her assistant editors also reflects his organizational skills and strong leadership abilities.

الخطوة الخامسة

واخيراً سيختتم بالقول بأنه اذا حصلت أنت على هذا القبول أو المنحة الى ماذلك من غرض الرسالة ، فإنه سيكون شيئ مبهر جداً للجامعه ولك كطالب على حدّ سواء مثلاً سيكتب قائلاً :

Ahmad would bring so much to your University ، both inside and outside of the classroom.

الخطوة السادسة

سيكتب المدرس أو المعيد عنوانه و رقم تليفونه و الايميل الخاص به ، وان امكن اذا كان لديهم موقع الكتروني كما في السطر التالي :

If you have any questions regarding Ahmad’s qualifications، please feel free to contact me at (555) 555-5555 or [email protected]

ارسال خطاب التوصية للمنحة أو الجامعة

هناك ثلاث طرق : وهي تعتمد على طريقة التقديم للجهة سواء جامعة أو مؤسسة:

الطريقة الأولى :

قدّ يطلب منك ارسال رسالة التوصية إما عبر البريد أو بالقيام برفعها بالطلب الإلكتروني بملف بصيغه PDF

الطريقة الثانية :

قدّ يطلب منك ارسالها مع الأوراق الاخرى المطلوبه عبر البريد العادي ورقياً .

الطريقة الثالثه :

وهي عند قيامك بتقديم الطلب للجامعه أون لاين مثلاً عبر رابط التقديم الالكتروني ، يطلب منك أن تقوم بكتابة ايميل و اسم الشخص الذي سيكتب لك رسالة التوصية وفي هذه الحالة ستصلة رسالة على بريده الالكتروني يطلب منه أن يقوم بالضغط على الرابط الذي ارسل له عبر البريد الالكتروني ليقوم هو بنفسه بتعبئة أو بكتابة رسالة التوصية الكترونياً ، وهنا لاحاجه لرفعها بملفات PDF او ارسالها كنموذج ورقي عبر البريد.

نماذج خطابات مجانية

نموذح أول لخطاب التوصية

Dear Admissions Committee،

I am writing to highly recommend [Student’s Name] for admission to your university. As [their teacher/counselor/employer]، I have had the pleasure of getting to know [Student’s Name] over the past [number] years and have consistently been impressed by their intelligence، motivation، and dedication to their studies.

In my [position]، I have had the opportunity to observe [Student’s Name]’s academic and personal growth firsthand. [Include specific examples of the student’s strengths and achievements، such as their excellent grades، strong work ethic، leadership skills، etc.]

Not only is [Student’s Name] an exceptional student، but they are also a kind and compassionate individual who is actively involved in their community. [Include any relevant examples of the student’s community involvement or extracurricular activities، such as volunteering، participating in clubs or sports، etc.]

I have no doubt that [Student’s Name] will thrive academically and personally at your university، and I wholeheartedly endorse their application for admission. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any further questions or need additional information.

Sincerely، [Your Name]

نموذح ثاني لخطاب التوصية

Dear Admissions Committee،

I am writing to wholeheartedly recommend [Student Name] for admission to your esteemed university. As [his/her] academic advisor for the past three years، I have had the pleasure of watching [him/her] grow and develop both academically and personally.

[Student Name] is a highly motivated and dedicated student، consistently earning top grades in all of [his/her] courses. [He/She] is a critical thinker and always willing to engage in class discussions، bringing unique and valuable perspectives to the table. [His/Her] natural curiosity and desire to learn has led [him/her] to consistently seek out additional resources and opportunities to deepen [his/her] understanding of course material.

In addition to [his/her] strong academic performance، [Student Name] is also highly involved in extracurricular activities. [He/She] has served as the president of the school’s debate team for the past two years and has led the team to numerous victories at local and regional competitions. [He/She] is also actively involved in community service، volunteering regularly at a local homeless shelter.

I have no doubt that [Student Name] would thrive at your university and make a valuable contribution to the campus community. I highly recommend [him/her] for admission and would be happy to answer any further questions you may have.

Sincerely، [Your Name]

خطاب توصية نموذج ثالث

Dear [Admissions Committee]،

I am writing to highly recommend [Student Name] for admission to [University Name]. As [Student Name]’s academic advisor for the past three years، I have had the pleasure of watching [her/him] excel academically and personally.

In the classroom، [Student Name] consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and a passion for learning. [She/He] consistently goes above and beyond in [her/his] coursework، often seeking out additional resources and opportunities to deepen [her/his] understanding of the material. [Her/His] grades speak for themselves – [she/he] has consistently been on the Dean’s List and was the recipient of the [Academic Award] in [Year].

[Student Name] is also a valued member of our school community. [She/He] has been an active member of the [Club/Organization] for the past three years، serving as [Position] for the past two. In this role، [she/he] has demonstrated strong leadership skills and a commitment to teamwork and collaboration. [She/He] has also volunteered regularly at the [Community Service Location]، showing a dedication to giving back to [her/his] community.

I have no doubt that [Student Name] will thrive at [University Name]. [She/He] has the intelligence، motivation، and personal qualities to make a valuable contribution to your university. I confidently recommend [her/him] for admission and am certain that [she/he] will be an asset to your community.

Sincerely، [Your Name] [Your Title]

نموذج خطاب توصية لمنحة

Dear [Scholarship Committee]،

I am writing to highly recommend [Student Name] for the [Scholarship Name] scholarship. As [Student Name]’s [teacher/mentor/supervisor]، I have had the pleasure of working with [her/him] for the past [number] years and have consistently been impressed by [her/his] dedication to academics and personal growth.

In the classroom، [Student Name] consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and a passion for learning. [She/He] consistently goes above and beyond in [her/his] coursework، often seeking out additional resources and opportunities to deepen [her/his] understanding of the material. [Her/His] grades speak for themselves – [she/he] has consistently been on the Dean’s List and was the recipient of the [Academic Award] in [Year].

In addition to [her/his] academic achievements، [Student Name] has also been deeply involved in [extracurricular activities/community service]. [She/He] has been an active member of the [Club/Organization] for the past [number] years، serving as [Position] for the past [number] years. In this role، [she/he] has demonstrated strong leadership skills and a commitment to teamwork and collaboration. [She/He] has also volunteered regularly at the [Community Service Location]، showing a dedication to giving back to [her/his] community.

I have no doubt that [Student Name] would make excellent use of the [Scholarship Name] scholarship and would be a valuable asset to your program. [She/He] is highly motivated، intelligent، and dedicated، and I am confident that [she/he] will continue to excel in [her/his] academic and personal endeavors.

Sincerely، [Your Name] [Your Title]

نموذج أول -خطاب توصية للعمل

Dear [Employer]،

I am writing to highly recommend [Student Name] for the position of [Job Title] at [Company Name]. As [Student Name]’s [teacher/mentor/supervisor]، I have had the pleasure of working with [her/him] for the past [number] years and have consistently been impressed by [her/his] work ethic، intelligence، and personal qualities.

In the classroom، [Student Name] consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and a passion for learning. [She/He] consistently goes above and beyond in [her/his] coursework، often seeking out additional resources and opportunities to deepen [her/his] understanding of the material. [Her/His] grades speak for themselves – [she/he] has consistently been on the Dean’s List and was the recipient of the [Academic Award] in [Year].

In addition to [her/his] academic achievements، [Student Name] has also been deeply involved in [extracurricular activities/community service]. [She/He] has been an active member of the [Club/Organization] for the past [number] years، serving as [Position] for the past [number] years. In this role، [she/he] has demonstrated strong leadership skills and a commitment to teamwork and collaboration. [She/He] has also volunteered regularly at the [Community Service Location]، showing a dedication to giving back to [her/his] community.

I have no doubt that [Student Name] would be an asset to your team at [Company Name]. [She/He] is highly motivated، intelligent، and dedicated، and I am confident that [she/he] will excel in any role that [she/he] takes on. I wholeheartedly recommend [her/him] for the position of [Job Title] and believe that [she/he] will be a valuable addition to your team.

Sincerely، [Your Name] [Your Title]

نموذج ثانٍ-خطاب توصية للعمل

Dear [Employer]،

I am writing to highly recommend [Student Name] for the [Job Title] position at [Company]. As [Student Name]’s academic advisor for the past [number] years، I have had the pleasure of watching [her/him] excel academically and personally.

In the classroom، [Student Name] consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and a passion for learning. [She/He] consistently goes above and beyond in [her/his] coursework، often seeking out additional resources and opportunities to deepen [her/his] understanding of the material. [Her/His] grades speak for themselves – [she/he] has consistently been on the Dean’s List and was the recipient of the [Academic Award] in [Year].

[Student Name] is also a valued member of our school community. [She/He] has been an active member of the [Club/Organization] for the past [number] years، serving as [Position] for the past [number] years. In this role، [she/he] has demonstrated strong leadership skills and a commitment to teamwork and collaboration. [She/He] has also completed internships at [Company] and [Company]، gaining valuable work experience and demonstrating a strong interest in [Industry].

I have no doubt that [Student Name] would be an asset to your team at [Company]. [She/He] is highly motivated، intelligent، and dedicated، and I am confident that [she/he] will excel in this role.

Sincerely، [Your Name] [Your Title]

نموذج ثالث-خطاب توصية للعمل

Dear [Employer]،

I am writing to highly recommend [Student Name] for the [Job Title] position at your company. As [Student Name]’s academic advisor for the past three years، I have had the pleasure of watching [her/him] excel academically and personally.

In the classroom، [Student Name] consistently demonstrates a strong work ethic and a passion for learning. [She/He] consistently goes above and beyond in [her/his] coursework، often seeking out additional resources and opportunities to deepen [her/his] understanding of the material. [Her/His] grades speak for themselves – [she/he] has consistently been on the Dean’s List and was the recipient of the [Academic Award] in [Year].

In addition to [her/his] academic achievements، [Student Name] is also a valued member of our school community. [She/He] has been an active member of the [Club/Organization] for the past three years، serving as [Position] for the past two. In this role، [she/he] has demonstrated strong leadership skills and a commitment to teamwork and collaboration. [She/He] has also volunteered regularly at the [Community Service Location]، showing a dedication to giving back to [her/his] community.

I have no doubt that [Student Name] would be a valuable asset to your company. [She/He] is highly motivated، intelligent، and dedicated، and I am confident that [she/he] will excel in any role given the opportunity. I highly recommend [her/him] for the [Job Title] position and believe that [she/he] will make a positive contribution to your team.

Sincerely، [Your Name] [Your Title]

خطاب توصية جاهز PDF للتحميل المجاني

نماذج خطابات مجانية
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