Best Playable Characters In DBZ: Kakarot

- Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is a love letter to fans of the Dragon Ball series, allowing players to experience the entire story from start to finish.
- The game features multiple playable characters, including beloved fan favorites, making battles engaging and enjoyable.
- The DLCs for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot offer new forms, intense battles, and additional playable characters, adding variety and excitement to the game.
Players who wanted to play through the entirety of Dragon Ball Z‘s riveting story in the most definitive manner possible can now enjoy the same with Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. The game is a love letter to this beloved anime series and features a massive amount of content that takes players all the way from the emergence of Raditz to the final fight against Kid Buu. A big draw of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is the fact that there are multiple playable characters that can be tried out in the game. All of these characters are beloved fan favorites and are quite a blast to try out in battle.
The DLCs for this game have been excellent in their own right, allowing players to check out new forms, intense battles, and whole new DBZ: Kakarot playable characters to boot. The game is a love letter to all fans of Dragon Ball, and this can be seen in the many DBZ: Kakarot characters that players can control in this amazing game. While the fun factor of controlling each fighter in the game varies quite a bit, players can rest assured that each battle-hardened veteran does a great job of justifying their inclusion in the game, making the game pretty engaging for the majority of its runtime.
Updated on October 13, 2023, by Ritwik Mitra: Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is arguably the best Dragon Ball around that fans can check out. Sure, the title has its fair share of problems, but it’s clear that the developers understood what makes the series so magical. The entire story of Dragon Ball Z can be experienced in this game, and the side stories encompass some memorable filler episodes while bringing back characters that were present in the original run of Dragon Ball before slowly disappearing over time. It goes without saying that fans of the Dragon Ball franchise will be more than willing to overlook this game’s faults as they enjoy the entire narrative of the legendary show from start to end, controlling the series’ most important characters in climactic conflicts that fans are intimately familiar with to this day. The sheer number of DBZ: Kakarot playable characters is immense, with all of them being fun to control in their own right.
16 Goten
It’s surprising that the game even allows players to control Goten in the first place, even though Goku’s youngest child barely has a role to play in the major battles of the series outside of his fusion with Trunks. Perhaps this is why players can only control Goten for the briefest of instances.
He can only be moved around during the start of the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament and doesn’t really participate in any battles. Still, it’s quite entertaining for fans of the series to control Goten regardless.
15 Kid Goku
The 23rd World Tournament is an interesting piece of DLC for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, taking the combat of the series and adding a fresh spin to it by removing the concept of flight altogether. This leads to grounded battles against powerful opponents, with players having to dodge more efficiently and time their combos so that they don’t get taken out by powerful attacks. This DLC starts off on a high note, with players controlling Kid Goku during his confrontation against the Great Demon King Piccolo.
It’s a great introduction to how grounded combat works, with players slowly learning the ropes as Kid Goku and fighting against this powerful opponent, setting the stage for the arc that this DLC covers. Kid Goku is pretty fun to control in battle, and it’s a shame that players only get to play as him in this solitary encounter before the time skip that leads to the introduction of Teen Goku.
14 Kid Gohan
Out of all the Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot playable characters, Gohan is the only character who grows throughout the entire series. The earliest iteration of this character might not be all that powerful, but he’s still fun to play with at times. The fact that players don’t really need to spend too much time with this character also makes time with Kid Gohan special in its own way.
Using the powers of this young fledgling Gohan in both the Saiyan and Frieza Saga makes for an entertaining time as players control this legendary character before he reaches his true potential. His powers are still quite fun to use, even though they might be somewhat underdeveloped.
13 Kid Vegeta
Bardock – Alone Against Fate is a great piece of DLC that players will have a great time with. Given Goku’s central importance as a character, it’s only a given that players would like the idea of playing as his father and witnessing his story as a Saiyan warrior. However, while Bardock’s story is pretty great in its own right, the fourth DLC for DBZ: Kakarot also features a side story where players can play as Kid Vegeta as well!
For what it’s worth, Kid Vegeta’s story is pretty short and doesn’t really have too many highlights to speak of. While the background of this character and his reaction to the destruction of Planet Vegeta is pretty interesting to witness, this side story certainly doesn’t stick around and just gives a taste of what Kid Vegeta’s powers were really like.
12 Tien Shinhan
Tien is a character who initially comes across as a villain who stands in Goku’s way before both characters earn each other’s respect and become steadfast friends. This character was extremely powerful when he was introduced, and it’s a shame to see that the current iteration of Tien is nowhere near as important as he used to be, even if he did play a decent role during the Tournament of Power.
The fact that players could control this character during the 5th DLC for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot was a pleasant surprise for many players, who cursed his absence in the base game. Controlling him using the new grounded combat system makes for a great time, even though he doesn’t stick around for too long in the game.
11 Piccolo
Forms Available:
True Namekian Fusion
The beloved Namekian of the series is a joy to control during the first half of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. While people can argue that Piccolo’s relevance to the plot wanes over time, there are still times when he proves his usefulness in the series.
A great example of this is an epic battle for the ages against Android 17 when Piccolo fuses with Kami to get a massive power boost. It’s a great battle in Dragon Ball Z and is replicated fairly well in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. Piccolo has other moments where he shines, and he’s definitely a fun character to control. However, there’s only so far that Piccolo can reach in terms of power before the Saiyans end up taking center stage.
10 Teen Goku
The events of the 23rd World Martial Arts Tournament serve as the final arc of the original Dragon Ball show, and fans were more than happy to see this story be adapted in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot. The tournament ends with a confrontation between Piccolo Jr. and Goku in a battle for the ages.
The fact that this story allows players to control Teen Goku makes for a great time, and players have to get used to the fact that they can’t fly around freely like they could as this character’s adult variant. This adds a fresh spin to things, and players will love experiencing this rich history of the Dragon Ball franchise firsthand!
9 Bardock
Forms Available:
Spirit of the Warrior Race
Bardock is Goku’s father and one of the most interesting characters in the show. The OVA that builds on his backstory is pretty interesting, giving a glimpse of Bardock’s personality and how he decided to stand up against Frieza after realizing that this tyrant would destroy Planet Vegeta in its entirety. Players who loved this side story can now play through the same courtesy of a new piece of DLC released for Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, aptly named Bardock – Alone Against Fate.
Bardock is a ton of fun to control, with his special moves being pretty flashy despite lacking any Super Saiyan boosts. While he does get infused with the Spirit of the Warrior Race over the course of the story, this is more to add some variety to his gameplay than anything else. That being said, controlling Bardock is still pretty novel in its own right and a blast for fans of the series.
8 Gotenks
Forms Available:
Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 3
The fusion of Goten and Trunks makes for a powerful fighter who truly shines during the Buu Saga. Gotenks might be a goofball, but there’s no denying the massive power he boasts that helps him stand toe-to-toe against Majin Buu. He’s definitely a great character to mess around with, as is the case with most of the fusion characters on this list.
However, Gotenks’ time in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot is fairly brief, as was the case in the series as well. As a result, he doesn’t really get the time to shine and show his true potential all that much in battle. Thankfully, the Switch release of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot lets players spend more time as this fused character.
7 Adult Gohan
Forms Available:
Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Potential Unleashed
Most fans of Dragon Ball Z unanimously agree that Gohan ends up losing his luster after turning into an adult. It’s a shame since the potential of this character is completely destroyed in a bid to make Goku the main character once again.
However, that’s not to say that Adult Gohan doesn’t have his moments. His power increases massively after turning into Mystic Gohan, allowing him to fight on equal footing with Super Buu, before his own carelessness led to his demise, that is. Gohan has always been one of Dragon Ball Z‘s greatest characters, and not even his own late-onset mediocrity can take away from this notion.
6 Future Gohan
Forms Available:
Super Saiyan
Future Gohan is one of the most tragic characters in the entirety of Dragon Ball. The fact that the game actually allows players to control this character all the way up to his untimely death is definitely an engaging if somewhat morose, prospect.
Even after losing his arm, there’s no stopping Gohan from being the defender of an Earth that is on the brink of extinction. It takes a massive barrage of attacks from the demonic Androids to snuff his life out once and for all. The novelty of controlling such an epic version of Adult Gohan definitely makes him a brilliant late addition to the roster of Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.
5 Future Trunks
Forms Available:
Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2
One of the best characters in the show, Future Trunks is a fan-favorite character who is an absolute treat to control. His introduction as he cuts down Mecha Frieza was still awe-inspiring to witness in the game as well.
Over time, Future Trunks becomes a core character in both the Android Saga and Cell Saga. Controlling this character and playing with his powers is quite enjoyable, but players should savor everything possible with this character before he goes away from good. His limited time in the main story is perhaps the only major detractor from an otherwise great character.
4 Vegito
Forms Available:
Super Saiyan
Most people might be surprised to see Vegito rank so high on this list. After all, players don’t really get to spend a ton of time with him, and his sole highlight comes in the form of an admittedly amazing clash against Super Buu.
Thankfully, it seems that players will finally be able to spend way more time as Vegito in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot‘s Switch release, where both this character and Gotenks get their time to shine in various other scenarios as well. It’s a great way for fans to spend more time with Vegito and experiment with his amazing powers too!
3 Teen Gohan
Forms Available:
Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2
Fittingly enough, the best version of Gohan in the series is also the most fun to play in the game. After all, who doesn’t want to enact the iconic battle against Cell where Gohan puts his all into a one-handed Kamehameha that blasts this genetic monstrosity into oblivion?
Of course, aside from this moment, there are also other times where players can control Teen Gohan in the game too. These moments are also quite enjoyable and serve as a great precursor to the Cell Games. Watching Gohan realize his full potential in one of the best moments in the series is truly awe-inspiring, and the game does a brilliant job of showcasing this moment.
2 Vegeta
Forms Available:
Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan Second Grade, Super Saiyan 2, Majin, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue
The Prince of all Saiyans is considered by many to be the best character in the entire show. Unlike Goku, Vegeta features a mean streak that makes him more of a complex and riveting character, as opposed to his goody-two-shoes rival.
However, players have to admit that Goku gets more time to shine in the series and — as a result — the game. However, Vegeta is fun to control in his own right, with players having a blast as they explore his patented moveset.
1 Goku
Forms Available:
Kaio-ken, Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, Super Saiyan 3, Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan Blue
It was only a given that the protagonist of Dragon Ball Z was going to top the list for its video game adaptation. After all, his Saiyan name is featured in the title itself!
The game starts off with players controlling Goku and ends in the same manner, which makes it clear as to whom the players should get accustomed to the most in the game. This Saiyan enjoys a ton of iconic moments in the series and is easily the most fun character to control in Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot.
Dragon Ball Z Kakarot
- Platform(s)
- Stadia, PS4, Switch, Xbox One, PC, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S
- Released
- January 16, 2020
- Developer(s)
- CyberConnect2
- Genre(s)
- Action, RPG, Fighting
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