
Tips & Tricks Players Should Know



  • Knowing about specific interactions between perks and add-ons can give players an upper hand in
    Dead by Daylight
    , extending chases for survivors and helping killers down survivors faster.
  • Skilled survivors can use tight looping techniques to evade killers for extended periods, optimizing their movement and making it difficult for killers to catch up.
  • Players should be aware of the different mechanics and tactics that can be utilized in the game, such as crouching to reduce noise and using flashlights to hinder killers’ abilities.

Dead by Daylight is full of perks, movement mechanics, and player interactions that can be hard for players to figure out on their own. There are plenty of small mechanics that killers and survivors give them an edge in their game.

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Knowing about specific interactions between perks or add-ons can give players the upper hand as they won’t get caught off guard. Using these mechanics will extend chases for survivors or make killers down survivors faster. These mechanics are confusing to understand as the game does not make it clear despite how useful some mechanics are in Dead by Daylight.

survivor opening chest

Tools give survivors a massive advantage, even to survivors running the best builds in Dead by Daylight. Some players may notice that items held in the survivor’s hands will disappear when performing interactions, such as vaulting and unhooking.

Killers can discern if a survivor is vaulting or faking it just by seeing if the item disappears. Using this information, killers can know when to attack survivors judging by when their tools disappear.

One way survivors can circumvent this issue is by dropping empty tools near exit gates. Survivors can pick up their tools on their way out to prevent losing them, but it’s not guaranteed to work if the killer is applying pressure.

2 Tight Looping

survivor rush vaulting pallet

Skilled players can loop the killer for extended periods, especially against newer killers. There are many mechanics players utilize to loop killers, but one is often overlooked. Survivors can run while bumping a wall on their shoulders to preserve their momentum and optimize their pathing.

RELATED: Best Ways To Use Lockers

Hugging walls in this manner extends chases and gives survivors an advantage when playing near a pallet or against a slower killer. Killers will have difficulty catching up to survivors who run loops tightly since they have optimized their movement.

Killers need to think outside the box to catch these survivors off guard or simply catch up to them by refining their movement. Survivors have a simpler time using this mechanic as it heavily relies on how the third-person camera is positioned.

3 Plague Infection

Plague chasing survivor

The Plague is among the best killers in Dead by Daylight, and she brings a unique play style to her matches. Survivors become infected and unable to heal once the infection completes its cycle. Once a player’s infection timer begins, players can slow it down through walking.

Sprinting will actively progress the infection meter for players, but walking and crouching do not. It’s best to avoid sprinting when unnecessary to slow down the infection timer and avoid losing a health state.

In a chase, players should avoid getting hit by any additional vomit, as it will increase the infection meter.

4 Gideon Meat Plant

survivors working on gen killer stalking

Gideon Meat Plant is a confusing map for many survivors, and it is complicated since the generators are difficult to find. Aside from the generators at the center, finding the others on the lower levels is a nightmare for some players.

Completing most generators in Gideon Meat Plant opens a metal door that reduces the amount of dead ends on the map. Seeing one of these metal doors hints at a generator on either side of the sliding door.

This map is a favorite of many players, while others dislike its intricate layout.

5 Loudness and Crouching

dwight dying oni killer

Staying quiet from the killer in Dead by Daylight is an obvious objective for survivors, but not many know that crouching reduces pain grunt noises. Survivors become quieter and give the killer a run for their money to try and locate them.

RELATED: Loudest Survivors

This tactic works better on the quieter survivors in the game as they are naturally more silent than others. If the killer is close enough to the survivor, crouching won’t help, but it helps throw off killers already having difficulty tracking down a survivor.

6 Special Flashlight Interactions

nemesis chasing leon in rpd map

Survivors are aware that flashlights are capable of blinding killers, but not many know that flashlights have other uses that hinder killers. Other than saving survivors by blinding killers, killers can have their abilities affected by a survivor using a flashlight.

Nemesis’s zombies can be stunned for a few seconds by any survivor using a flashlight. This tip is super handy when survivors are almost done with a generator but see a zombie approaching.

Blinding the Shape and Ghost Face will momentarily hinder their ability to stalk players.

7 Tombstone

the shape stalking survivor hiding

The Shape, or Michael Myers as most players know him, has one of the strongest add-ons in Dead by Daylight. The Judith’s Tombstone add-on is among the best killer add-ons as the ability allows him to kill healthy and injured survivors.

There is one way to counter this add-on, and it requires survivors to play a bit differently. When a Tombstone Myers is approaching, survivors can hide inside lockers to force the Shape to pick them up.

Survivors can also use pallets and window slides to force a grab, but they aren’t as guaranteed as a locker. At all times, survivors should know where the nearest locker is located so they can rush to safety and force the killer to hook them.

dead by daylight

Dead by Daylight

PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S, Stadia, Switch, Mobile

June 14, 2016

Behaviour Interactive

Horror, Survival

M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Strong Language

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