Best Resident Evil Mercenaries Modes, Ranked

The Mercenaries mode in
Resident Evil 5
is the most popular and fun version of the mode, with deep gameplay mechanics and a high skill ceiling. -
Resident Evil 6
may have received criticism for straying from survival horror, but its Mercenaries mode is considered a highlight with epic moments and a diverse cast of characters. -
The Mercenaries mode in
Resident Evil 4 Remake
takes the already top-notch gameplay to a new level, but its downside is that it can be completed quickly and lacks lasting memorability.
The Mercenaries may have started out as a small extra game mode introduced in Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, but it became so popular that Capcom decided to include it in nearly every entry going forward. However, while the main gameplay loop of killing enemies to rank up a combo for high scores has remained virtually untouched, there are still a few differences for the mode in each game, which help make them feel unique and fun.
As anyone who has been following this beloved survival horror series knows though, it has gone through quite a rollercoaster over the years in terms of design, with some being more action-oriented, while those released after Resident Evil 6 have been much more horror-filled. Therefore, while some of the slower and more atmospheric games didn’t pair too well with Mercenaries, there are others where it feels right at home, so without further ado, it’s time to see which iterations of The Mercenaries stand tall as the most fun, engaging, and replayable.
It should also be said that the Raid Modes featured in both Revelations spin-off games will not be included here as they have very different mechanics and don’t follow the basic Mercenaries template, so only official versions of the mode will be featured.
5 Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
After the immense popularity of Mercenaries in Resident Evil 5, Capcom decided to capitalize on the success by launching a game entirely centered around this one mode on the 3DS. Rather than being a very ambitious or innovative title, Mercenaries 3D feels more like a love letter to the fans, featuring plenty of fan-favorite characters, such as Claire and Hunk, who all have their own unique moves and weapons.
The stages are also all based on memorable areas in Resident Evil 4 and 5, but while it’s very fun in short bursts and great as a bit of fan service, it’s severely lacking in content. The online was also very unreliable, so there really wasn’t much more to do after getting an SS rank on every stage with each character, but for what it is, it’s still a great attempt at a standalone Mercenaries game.
4 Resident Evil 4 Remake
Resident Evil 4 Remake
- Platform(s)
- PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S
- Released
- March 24, 2023
- Developer(s)
- Capcom
- Genre(s)
- Survival Horror
The Mercenaries in Resident Evil 4 was already top-notch, but the remake of the 2005 classic really took it to a whole new level, even adding a brand new character to the mix in Luis. Each character has their own unique abilities, some of which are brand new, like Hunk’s infinite ammo and Luis’ dynamite, which helps to make them all feel unique and drastically different to play. Because of how masterfully crafted the action is in the Remake, it also creates an extremely addictive gameplay loop of stunning enemies with a weapon before taking them out with a melee attack to gain just a little more time.
There’s no denying that the gameplay here is extremely fun, but the biggest downside is, by far, how easy it is to get an SSS rank for all the characters. Doing so will earn some special rewards that Leon can use in the main campaign, but the mode does feel a little less memorable than others due to how quickly it can be fully finished. Still, though, while players might not return to it that much, it’s still a blast to play through on the odd occasion.
3 Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis
- Platform(s)
- Dreamcast, Nintendo GameCube, PC, PS1
- Released
- November 10, 1999
- Developer(s)
- Capcom
- Publisher(s)
- Capcom
Resident Evil 3: Nemesis was the perfect game to introduce the Mercenaries Mode as the gameplay leaned a lot more into action compared to its predecessor, especially thanks to the new dodge button, which allows Jill to bob and weave her way through zombies if the player can pull it off that is. The objective of the mode is pretty straightforward: travel through Raccoon City under a time limit and eliminate as many zombies as possible, but there are even a few civilians scattered around the map that can be saved too, which hasn’t been seen in the mode since.
Once players reach level 3, they’ll be in for one of the most challenging experiences of any Resident Evil game, so there’s definitely a learning curve here that’s so satisfying to finally master. There are even 3 characters to choose from who all play differently from one another. The tank controls can admittedly feel very restrictive when there are multiple enemies on screen at once, but it’s nonetheless still an excellent mode that has aged well.
2 Resident Evil 6
Resident Evil 6
- Platform(s)
- PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, Switch
- Released
- October 2, 2012
- Developer(s)
- Capcom
- Genre(s)
- Third-Person Shooter
Many longtime fans of the series weren’t too fond of Resident Evil 6 when it was released, primarily because it strayed so far away from the series’ survival horror roots, but in some ways, it almost feels like the game was literally designed for the Mercenaries Mode. This is especially the case with the movement, which allows players to roll and slide around the map with ease, which can result in some truly epic and intense moments.
There’s also a ton of content here, featuring a star-studded cast of 9 characters, most of which return from previous games, and 10 unique stages that all contain their own unique enemies and mini-bosses to mix up the challenge. The Skill system also allows players to create their very own character build, which adds an extra layer of strategy to the mode, making it the best part of Resident Evil 6 in the eyes of many fans.
1 Resident Evil 5
Resident Evil 5
- Platform(s)
- PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PC, Switch
- Released
- March 5, 2009
- Developer(s)
- Capcom
- Genre(s)
- Survival Horror
As good as the Mercenaries Mode is in Resident Evil 6, Capcom truly struck gold when creating the mode for Resident Evil 5, and the fact that it is still the most popular version of the mode to this day proves just how insanely fun it is to play. Resident Evil 5 doesn’t exactly switch up the formula of this mode since players will still need to find Time Crystals and take out enemies to reach a high score, but it’s the deeper elements that really make it something else entirely. Unlike nearly every other game in the series, Resident Evil 5 allows the player to open up their inventory while performing a melee attack, meaning if they’re about to punch a Majini, they can quickly reload weapons at the same time.
This is very difficult to pull off, but it also raises the skill ceiling drastically, ensuring the player is engaged for every second of a match. The incredible gameplay is complimented by a staggering amount of content, especially with the introduction of The Mercenaries United, which features 8 unique characters with a few different variations and 8 stages to play through. It also brought with it the No Mercy mode, which is as brutally difficult as it sounds. It’ll be very difficult for Capcom to top this version of The Mercenaries, especially since the mode is still going strong even to this day.
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