How To Get Shiny Slowpoke, Shiny Slowbro, And Shiny Slowking

Pokemon GO players have an immense pool of monsters they need to collect, and Shiny Pokemon are a few of the most in-demand variants. Slowpoke and its Shiny variant are among the most famous Pokemon in the franchise. The dual Water and Psychic-type is a wild monster and can evolve into two variants; all have Shiny versions.
Pokemon GO offers different ways to get Shiny variants; some require defeating raid bosses, some are available in the wild, and some Shiny requires evolving. Although Shiny Pokemon are available to catch, there is no such thing as a guaranteed Shiny encounter. Players must go through the tedious task of catching up to a monster’s Shiny spawn rate. This guide explains the best way to get Shiny Slowpoke, Shiny Slowbro, and Shiny Slowking.
Pokemon GO: How To Get Shiny Slowpoke
The dual Water and Psychic-type monster Slowpoke is an extremely tough fighter, and its Shiny variant always lurks in the wild. The dual-type Pokemon GO monster and its evolutions’ Shiny variant have been available to catch for years, but it’s a challenging ordeal.
Although Shiny Slowpoke is a wild spawn, encountering one is challenging. One can use the increased spawn rates in events that feature the monster. Slowpoke is a regular feature in events like Spotlight Hour and Community Day. These events are an excellent opportunity to hunt for Shiny Slowpoke.
Players can take advantage of its higher spawn rate during Rainy and Windy weather to increase the chances of encountering a Shiny Slowpoke in Pokemon GO. The Weather Boost feature can help catch up to its Shiny spawn odds.
Players can increase the Pokemon spawn rate using Lure Modules and Incense. Attach a Lure Module to a PokeStop or Gym with Rainy or Windy weather conditions, activate an Incense, and walk in the area.
This method stacks the Lure Module and Incense effects upon the weather boost function and works even well when Slowpoke is a featured monster in any Pokemon GO event. The already increased spawn rate gets a further boost with this strategy, helping players catch up to its Shiny spawn rate faster.
Pokemon GO: How To Get Shiny Slowbro And Shiny Slowking
Pokemon GO players must first get their hands on a Shiny Slowpoke and later evolve it into a Shiny Slowbro or a Shiny Slowking. These are 2 possible evolutions for Shiny Slowpoke, and each requires an individualistic evolution process.
Players can get a Shiny Slowbro by evolving their Shiny Slowpoke. The evolution process requires 50 Pokemon GO Candy and nothing more than that. It is the same with Shiny Slowking; one can get their hands on it by evolving their Shiny Slowbro. The evolution process requires a King’s Rock and 50 Candy.
Players can get the required Candy from Research tasks or by catching numerous Slowpoke. Events like the Community Day and Spotlight Hour offer various ways to get Slowpoke. Regarding Pokemon GO King’s Rock, players can obtain it through PokeStops.
Pokemon GO is available now for iOS and Android mobile devices.
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